Connemara with Bone Lesions and Cysts In Both Stiffles

Dr. Beebe,

I have a seven year old Connemara that has been diagnosed with bone lesions and bone cysts in both stifles. I have taken her to NC State Vet Hospital in Raleigh, NC. The option was surgery. I opted out for now, for several reasons: no guarantee of correction, cost, long term complications and heat of the summer. Tentatively, surgery is set for this winter. When I saw your ad for OCD I was so excited!! I adore my pony and she is so beautiful, athletic and smart. It broke my heart to learn she was lame. I have shed many a tear! I have just ordered your product and will begin giving it to my mare tonight. I hope and pray that it works as well for her as it has for other horses…she is such an awesome pony and deserves to have a full life.

Thank you,

Click here for OCD Pellets

One Response to “Connemara with Bone Lesions and Cysts In Both Stiffles”

  1. DocBeebe says:


    You are absolutely right!!! She deserves every chance to have a full life. Please remember she is an older (but not by any means old) mare which means the bone will remodel but at a slower rate than in a younger horse. However, we have been successful at resolving many bone lesions in horses of all ages. Have we resolved all bone lesions – no , but we have resolved more than 75 % of these lesions and feel confident you will be pleasantly pleased with the results you will receive. Please remember to feed 2 oz. per day for problem cases.

    Thank you for your interest in OCD Pellets.

    Dr. D.R. Beebe

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